What you’ll get!

Scale It

Ready to take your business to new heights in the digital landscape? Our exclusive "Scale It" service is designed to equip you with cutting-edge skills that will transform the way you operate and thrive in the online world.

Businesss loans available to assit your journey.

Here’s what we’ll be doing

🔧 Tech Setup

  • Business & Domain set up
  • Guide on how to set up for your future needs.
  • 1 training session on using Microsoft for your business, including storage options and organising files.
  • Options and set up for large data storage needs

📚 Legal Documents

  • Guide on How to easily set up legal documents for your business, for now and future*
  • Employment contracts, Non-Disclosures, Privacy Policies etc. 

💾 Website

  • Basic Website development
  • Link to domain and contact form

🔒 Cybersecurity

  • Guide and Set up of antivirus software.
  • Educate on best practices like strong passwords, regular updates, and phishing scam awareness.

🤖 Automation

  • Set up of CRM
  • Set up of 3 users
  • Set up of company email
  • Demonstrate how to connect different apps and services to automate workflows.
  • 5 Workflows and email templates to automate your customer process.

📱 AI & Social Media Help

  • Guide on using AI for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn for business.
  • Recommended options for social posting, paid campaigns and SEO

📊 CRM Training Session

  • 1 Training session on setting up and using basic CRM software.
  • Showing you how to Customise the CRM to track customer interactions and sales processes.

🛒 Online Store Setup

  • Assist in setting up e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.
  • Offer tips on product listing, payment setup, and basic SEO.

📈 Business Analytics

  • Teach how to use tools like Zoho Analytics or Google Analytics for website traffic insights.
  • Show how to interpret data for business decisions.

💌 Email Marketing Automation

  • Set up email marketing on simple platform.
  • Demonstrate how to create automated email campaigns.

Other Services

We propel individuals through transformation and empower your business to conquer the digital age.

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